The day Alcofribas kindly invited me to the 10th anniversary of 7DX Demo Party, I knew that I had to do something special for this event. Hosting Turkish demosceners for 10 years via enormous amount of hard work and very limited resources, certainly deserves support!
Since there has never been an officialAmstrad release before at demo parties in Turkey, I decided to go back to my roots -early 80s- where I used to do a lot of 8-bit assembly language coding. I thought, writing a simple Amstrad intro in 256 bytes would be great. – (Yep, size does matter!)
What a fantastic day we had at the 7DX Demo Party 2011 on December 24, 2011. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the party, meeting sceners, watching/releasing demos, snacking, chatting, and even gossipping… The breakfast at the Bosphorus was the jewel in the crown of the event. Thanks for everything!
(From left to right) – Modelist, Alcofribas, Akermen, matahari, retromaster, Adamın Biri, Shax
Oh, by the way, don’t forget to check my 256 byte Amstrad intro that I released at the party 😉
The Blog of Mert Börü: Selected Works, Ongoing Projects, and Memories